Export class information of astah* Project File to CSV file.
Exported information : Class Full Path name, Attribute,
Operation, Definition, SuperClass, and Supplier of the realization.
How to compile
Compilation can be done with your system command prompt or Java IDE
(Integrated Development Environments) tool. The class path needs to be
set to both of astah* install folder and astah-api.jar that is inside
the same folder.
Sample : Compile using [compile.bat] that is a batch file for
Windows command prompt
Execute this by specifying the astah* project file name and the csv
format file name by using the system command prompt or Java IDE
(Integrated Development Environments) tool. The Class Path needs to be
set to both of astah-api.jar and astah-community.jar(astah-pro.jar)
that are in the install folder.
Also, memory option for Java environment needs to be set up
if the size of the astah* Project is large.
Sample : Running using [run.bat], a batch file for Windows
command prompt