Presentation Overview

  1. Presentation Overview
  2. Presentation List

Presentation Overview

IPresentation is a base interface of presentation. INodePresentation, ILinkPresentation and ICell are derived from IPresentation.
ICell is an interface of CRUD presentation. IHeaderCell and IValueCell are derived from ICell.

Name of presentation interface Description Include
INodePresentation Interface for Rectangular presentation Package, Frame, Note, Class, InstanceSpecification, UseCase, State,
Partition, Action, Lifeline, Execution Specification, External Entity,
ER Entity, Requirement, TestCase, Topic, Boundary and etc.
ILinkPresentation Interface for Line presentation Nest, NoteAnchor, Association, Generalization, Realization, Usage,
Dependency, Template Binding, Link, Connector, Extend, Include, Transition,
Control Flow/Object Flow, Message, Anchor, DataFlow, DeriveReqt, copy,
Satisfy,Verify,Refine,Trace,Identifying Relationship, Non-Identifying Relationship,
Many to many Relationship, Subtype, Edge, Link between topics and etc.
IHeaderCell Interface for header cells of CRUD -
IValueCell Interface for value cells of CRUD -
ITopicPresentation Interface for topics(@deprecated) INodePresentation

Presentation List

Type Model Presentation Type Model:Presentation
Model IModel INodePresentaion 1:n
Subsystem ISubsystem INodePresentaion 1:n
Package IPackage INodePresentaion 1:n
Nest null ILinkPresentaion 1:n
Frame null INodePresentaion -
Note IComment INodePresentaion 1:1
NoteAnchor null ILinkPresentaion -
Text null INodePresentaion -
Rectangle null INodePresentaion -
Oval null INodePresentaion -
Line null ILinkPresentaion -
FreeHand null ILinkPresentaion -
Image null INodePresentaion -
Class IClass INodePresentaion 1:n
Association Class IAssociationClass INodePresentaion,ILinkPresentaion 1:n
Association IAssociation ILinkPresentaion 1:n
Generalization IGeneralization ILinkPresentaion 1:n
Realization IRealization ILinkPresentaion 1:n
Usage IUsage ILinkPresentaion 1:n
Dependency IDependency ILinkPresentaion 1:n
Template Binding ITemplateBinding ILinkPresentaion 1:n
Instance Specification IInstanceSpecification INodePresentaion 1:1
Link ILink ILinkPresentaion 1:1
Part IAttribute INodePresentaion 1:n
Port IPort INodePresentaion 1:n
Connector IConnector ILinkPresentaion 1:n
UseCase IUseCase INodePresentaion 1:n
Extend IExtend ILinkPresentaion 1:n
Include IInclude ILinkPresentaion 1:n
InitialPseudoState IPseudostate INodePresentaion 1:1
State IState INodePresentaion 1:1
FinalState IFinalState INodePresentaion 1:1
Transition ITransition ILinkPresentaion 1:1
ShallowHistoryPseudoState IPseudostate INodePresentaion 1:1
DeepHistoryPseudoState IPseudostate INodePresentaion 1:1
JunctionPseudoState IPseudostate INodePresentaion 1:1
ChoisePseudoState IPseudostate INodePresentaion 1:1
ForkPseudoState IPseudostate INodePresentaion 1:1
JoinPseudoState IPseudostate INodePresentaion 1:1
SubmachineStatePseudoState IState INodePresentaion 1:1
SubamachineState IState INodePresentaion 1:1
Partition IPartition INodePresentaion 1:1
InitialNode IControlNode INodePresentaion 1:1
Action IAction INodePresentaion 1:1
Flow Final Node IAction INodePresentaion 1:1
SignalSendingAction IAction INodePresentaion 1:1
AcceptEventAction IAction INodePresentaion 1:1
AcceptTimeEventAction IAction INodePresentaion 1:1
OutputPin IOutputPin INodePresentaion 1:1
InputPin IInputPin INodePresentaion 1:1
Process IAction INodePresentaion 1:1
Connector IAction INodePresentaion 1:1
CallBehaviorAction IAction INodePresentaion 1:1
ActivityFinal IControlNode INodePresentaion 1:1
Control Flow/Object Flow IFlow ILinkPresentaion 1:1
Decision Node/Merge Node IControlNode INodePresentaion 1:1
ForkNode IControlNode INodePresentaion 1:1
JoinNode IControlNode INodePresentaion 1:1
Object Node IObjectNode INodePresentaion 1:1
Activity Parameter Node IActivityParameterNode INodePresentaion 1:1
Lifeline ILifeline INodePresentaion 1:1
Execution Specification null INodePresentaion 1:1
Message IMessage ILinkPresentaion 1:1
Stop ITermination INodePresentaion 1:1
InteractionUse IInteractionUse INodePresentaion 1:1
CombinedFragment ICombinedFragment INodePresentaion 1:1
StateInvariant IStateInvariant INodePresentaion 1:1
Time Constraint ITimeConstraint INodePresentaion 1:1
Duration Constraint IDurationConstraint INodePresentaion 1:1
LifelineLink ILifelineLink ILinkPresentaion 1:1
Message in Communication Diagram IMessage INodePresentaion 1:1
Lane IPartition INodePresentaion 1:1
Process IAction INodePresentaion 1:1
Transition IFlow ILinkPresentaion 1:1
InitialNode IControlNode INodePresentaion 1:1
FinalNode IControlNode INodePresentaion 1:1
Fork IControlNode INodePresentaion 1:1
Join IControlNode INodePresentaion 1:1
External Entity IExternalEntity INodePresentaion 1:n
Process IProcessBox INodePresentaion 1:1
Datastore IDataStore INodePresentaion 1:n
Anchor IAnchor ILinkPresentaion 1:1
DataFlow IDataFlow ILinkPresentaion 1:1
Requirement IRequirement INodePresentaion 1:n
TestCase ITestCase INodePresentaion 1:n
DeriveReqt IDependency ILinkPresentaion 1:n
Copy IDependency ILinkPresentaion 1:n
Satisfy IDependency ILinkPresentaion 1:n
Verify IDependency ILinkPresentaion 1:n
Refine IDependency ILinkPresentaion 1:n
Trace IDependency ILinkPresentaion 1:n
ER Entity IEREntity INodePresentaion 1:n
Identifying Relationship IERRelationship ILinkPresentaion 1:n
Non-Identifying Relationship IERRelationship ILinkPresentaion 1:n
Many to many relationship IERRelationship ILinkPresentaion 1:n
Subtype IERSubtypeRelationship ILinkPresentaion 1:n
Topic null INodePresentaion -
Edge null ILinkPresentaion -
Link between topics null ILinkPresentaion -
Boundary null INodePresentaion -
CRUD value cell null IValueCell -
CRUD header cell IElement IHeaderCell 1:n
CRUD entire cell null IHeaderCell -