Package com.change_vision.jude.api.inf.view

Interface Summary
IDiagramEditorSelectionEvent Event object to know the timing when the state of selection DiagramEditor was changed.
IDiagramEditorSelectionListener Listener interface to know the timing when the state of selection DiagramEditor was changed.
IDiagramViewManager Interface to manage Astah diagram view.
IEntitySelectionEvent Event object to know the timing when the state of selection was changed.
IEntitySelectionListener Listener interface to know the timing when the state of selection was changed.
IExtraViewManager Interface to manage Astah extra view.
IIconManager Interface to manage Astah icons.
ILookAndFeelManager Interface to manage the Look and Feel of Astah.
IProjectViewManager Interface to manage Astah project view.
IViewManager Interface to manage Astah view.

Class Summary
DiagramDropTargetListener Listener for the drop event on the diagram.

Enum Summary
IconDescription Definition of Icon
IconType Icon Type.