Common model / Presentation list

A part of the class structure of Astah API is different from the one of UML metamodel.
Astah API has a simplified structure. Some abstract model elements in the UML metamodel inheritance structure are eliminated because they would not be instantiated as model elements. See Structure details: All Diagrams in Javadoc

Model Class Get Edit Create Method
Hyperlink IHyperlink createElementHyperlink(IElement,String)

If there is a hyperlink which is a model, the modelID is included in the name.

type=file,name=astah_com.log,path=C:/Documents and Settings,comment= Target is a file
type=url,name=,path=http://,comment= Target is a web page
type=model,name=9a1411-1112fec29a5-0804d01aa6c5fb9fe2aab956b4ca593a,path=,comment= Target is a astah* model

Common presentation list

This is a list of Presentations in Astah. To find out which presentation is editable or not, please refer to the Astah API page.

Common Diagram Elements

Type Model Presentation Type Model:Presentation
Model IModel INodePresentation 1:n
Package IPackage INodePresentation 1:n
Note IComment INodePresentation 1:1
Frame null INodePresentation -
Text null INodePresentation -
Rectangle null INodePresentation -
Oval null INodePresentation -
Image null INodePresentation -
Nest null ILinkPresentation 1:n
NoteAnchor null ILinkPresentation -
Line null ILinkPresentation -
FreeHand null ILinkPresentation -